The Web Traffic Doctor

Getting Free Traffic With Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the most popular ways to generate traffic, for both new and experienced internet marketers. It doesn’t have to cost much, if anything, and doesn’t require any particular technical skills – plus it has worked for years while other methods have come and gone. In this article, we’ll take a look at a few ways you can improve your article marketing results.

Keep in mind that you get both short-term and long-term benefits from article marketing.

When you submit an article to a site like it can get ranked quite quickly in Google and other search engines, and start sending traffic to your site via the links in your resource box. You’ll often get an initial surge of traffic this way, but ultimately it will usually slow down as the article settles into lower search ranking.

But if you’re lucky, it can send traffic through your resource box for months or even years to come. Plus, the links pointing back to your site will help your site’s ranking in the search engines, which is the longer-term aspect of article marketing.

If you do a bit of promotion for your articles as well as your own site, you’ll get better results. In other words, spend some time building links to your articles on sites like Most people who submit articles just submit them and then move onto the next one. If you spend a bit of time promoting your articles, you can jump ahead of a large percentage of your competitors.

You can build these links in several ways:

  • Social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter
  • Social bookmarking on sites like Pinterest
  • Blogging networks
  • More article submissions pointing back to the first bunch

You don’t need to spend as much time and effort on this second level of backlinking, but it’s definitely worth doing.

Promoting your articles to your own network via your email list, Twitter followers and so on is also going to help improve your results. This isn’t precisely “new” traffic but it will help by increasing the number of views your articles have received.

Doing this can help get your articles on the “most viewed” list on the article sites, which will help generate more views, and more clicks through to your website.

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